Slovak foreign minister: Orbán plays from Kremlin playbook

Hungary’s pro-peace government “won’t rise to the provocations of the Slovak foreign minister,” a government official said on Wednesday, reacting to Rastislav Káčer’s remark that “the Hungarian government’s arguments often align with the Kremlin’s propaganda used in its war of disinformation.”

Tamás Menczer, the state secretary responsible for bilateral relations, said Káčer had shown several times in the past “that he doesn’t like Hungarians”. “But we won’t react to provocation, and we’ll work to preserve the strength of the Visegrád Group…” he said. The government will continue to act according to Hungarian interests, and work for the swiftest possible ceasefire and peace, he said.

According to, Rastislav Káčer, the new Slovak foreign minister, talked about the foreign policy of Hungary and the Visegrád cooperation in an interview. He said that the Hungarian government’s media campaign arguing the EU sanctions did not work, harm the EU more than Russian and icrease inflation was a mistake. He said that the Kremlin uses such arguments in its disinformation war. “Hungary is alone with that view in the European Union and has become isolated from its Western allies”, Káčer added.

In the Visegrád cooperation, only Hungary’s relationship with Russia is a problem. He said Hungary’s stance towards Ukraine was different even before the war, and it was the only NATO member state blocking the Ukraine-NATO discussions.

Káčer has been serving as the foreign minister of Hungary’s northern neighbour since September.

Read alsoOrbán’s Fidesz rejected twice to discuss Finnish, Swedish NATO accession today!

Source: MTI,


  1. @Boing – maybe move to Qatar – as former Qatari footballer Khalid Salman said: homosexuality is “haram” – Arabic for prohibited or forbidden, going on to describing homosexuality as “damage in the mind”.

    Talking Americana: – claim to fame for a woman of Hungarian decent, first woman to represent Vermont in the US House of Representatives, openly gay and elected on merit (who cares who you chose as a partner – as long as they’re of age and it’s consensual?)

    Lastly – “Pro-Peace Government” – all the governments are pro-peace. However – not at any price (our Politicians would happily have had Ukraine relinquish any territory occupied by Russia since February, I’m sure)

  2. @Norbert:
    I can’t remember reading any comments made by you that I disagreed with, or (in my opinion) were incorrect.
    Keep it up. (y)

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